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Myoskeletal Alignment

Myoskeletal alignment technique (MAT) is a type of bodywork that combines principles of osteopathy and structural integration to relieve chronic pain, and to reduce the potential for the emergence of pain which could become chronic over time. This technique is often integrated into regular massage and bodywork sessions, and it can also be used alone to treat systemic problems.

Structural integration relies heavily on the manipulation of the muscles, fascia, tendons, ligaments, joints, and the skeletal system with the goal of promoting general musculoskeletal health. If someone's body can be aligned properly, his or her health problems can be reduced dramatically because the body will work as a whole.

In a myoskeletal alignment session, Gabriela works to lengthen tight, strained muscles with the goal of releasing tension and allowing those muscles to function more normally. At the same time, weak and inhibited muscles are encouraged to grow stronger. Manipulation of muscles and fascia can release pain and encourages proper muscoloskeletal alignment.

© 2024 Get Back to Balance, LLC | Gabriela Baumeister, LMT | 505-660-9901
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